we are ua LOCAL 146
Plumbers, Pipefitters and Welders Local 146 is affiliated with the United Association (UA) of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada. UA Local 146 was chartered on November 1, 1895, to represent the common interests of the union workers and contractors of the plumbing and pipe-fitting industry in the Fort Worth area.
Learn more about the UA Local 146 History and Mission.

Join Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Welders Local 146
Now is a great time to begin your career in the pipe trades. Learn more about the Local 146 Apprenticeship program by clicking here. If you are currently working in the industry for a non-union contractor, discover the many benefits of becoming a member of the United Association.
Local 146 Focus on Industry-Wide Construction Issues

So-Called “Right to Work”
These laws restrict unions and make them economically solvent by allowing people to gain their services for free. Learn more about So-Called “Right to Work” laws.

Prevailing Wage Benefits
Without a Prevailing Wage law, publicly funded contracts are susceptible to being awarded to out-of-state contractors who will take the wages earned in one state and take them to their home state, negatively affecting the local economy-earned wages. Learn more about Prevailing Wage legislation.

Project Labor Agreements
A Project Labor Agreement (PLA) is a collective bargaining agreement between labor unions and contractors for a specific project. Learn more about Project Labor Agreements.

Workers’ Compensation
The United Association of Plumbers, Pipefitters and Welders Local 146 believes it is vital for workers to be compensated fairly for injuries suffered due to unsafe working conditions. Learn more about Workers’ Compensation.

Water Infrastructure
A significant portion of the infrastructure in the United States is water-based infrastructure. This infrastructure includes piping systems that supply homes and businesses with freshwater supplies and a way to carry wastewater away from these places. Learn more about water infrastructure.